Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Week

Fun Decorating Eggs
I always love this time of year like I love Christmas time. People focus a lot more on the Savior. Here in Guatemala they celebrate Semana Santa. To start off the week miracles happened here in the mission. We were given  a cell phone so now it is a little easier to coordinate things and work with the members. To be honest it is really weird to have one again.  That same day we had a NDH with one of our new families that we are teaching and they loved it. We learned about the Word of Wisdom and the importance of our bodies. This is exactly what they needed. 

Tuesday was a great day with many lessons. It is interesting to see the progress of several of the families we are teaching and the changes they have made in their lives. There is one family that has been going to church for months, always assist, serve, pay tithing and everything but they aren't baptized because they say they are a different religion. 

That day we met with this one family that I really want to teach.  I saw the family and the kids I just knew that I could help them and that I could do it by teaching the gospel.  That is one of the great things about the gospel it helps us in our progress with all things. 

Wednesday we started working with some more less active members who also live with many people who are not members. Those families want to learn more about the gospel which is amazing. I love when people have the desire to learn and truly follow their Savior. I am just here to help them with that and show the way.  

With one of our other investigators I have seen how much more she understands now when she studies the scriptures. Those who have the eyes to see hear. Along with that I learned that Carlos who was baptized in Monjas went to a Mini Mission Week in Guate last week. He is really excited about the gospel and is helping so many people learn about it as well.  

Friday there were no buses and we had to go up to the Puerta which is about a 30 minute walk for missionaries.  The people ended up not being there but we saw them later and they wanted to meet with us. Lets just say we walked a lot on Friday but it was a lot of fun and we had a great day. All the families that were home were together and we found many new people to teach. That night we met with our Bishop Leader's mom and family. Only the parents aren`t members. I asked her what she wanted to give her kids and family in life. She said love and the best things she could. I told her that we wanted her to have these things also because we love her and the most precious thing we can give or share is the gospel. That is the truth, that is why I want my family to have the knowledge of the gospel. 

Saturday was also amazing. At one point in the day we went to find someone. The directions lead us to another direction. Earlier when we were following the directions,  we passed a house and I felt like we should talk to the people but we didn't. Saturday I felt the same and I went to knock on their door. It was actually the house we were looking for with a different address. The person we were looking for wasn't there but the whole family wants us to come back. I don't know what will happen but I am excited. 

That day one of our investigators was moving houses and we helped them to move into this little tiny room. The dad died so they didn't have the money to keep paying there. It was sad but good that we could help. 

Saturday during lunch we decorated Easter eggs I showed them how to do it- they did not know how. They don't have Easter here. On Sunday, we had an egg hunt which was really fun. I always love doing things like that. 

Sunday there were  other miracles as well. I am not sure if you remember the time I felt we made a mistake trying to pray with a family. Well 2 months later on their own they came to church. I was amazed to see them but so happy. That day as well, a family told us they would be getting married and baptized . I love when we have days like that. 

I am excited to see what will happen this week . Have a great week!!!! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Experiencing Miracles

Semana Santa has come again here to Guatemala. Last year this week was really crazy but I feel like in the area I am in now that it will be a lot calmer. I am so happy about all of the miracles that happened this week. 

Early on we had a council with the zone where we wrote new goals about what we need to be doing. Last month the mission had the highest number or Baptisms in the history of the mission and this month we are still working hard but not having as much success. Every area needs something different so we made different gauges to see how we can best help our area and see more fruit there. I am excited to apply our ideas and watch as Heavenly Father truly does his work. 

We have also been working more with less actives  They are really coming to know that we are there for them and get so excited for our visits. We are constantly serving them. On Sunday one family said they wouldn't go but we went to their house in the morning and the daughters actually did divisions with us to bring people to church. Then we were surprised to see the oldest brother in church. Little by little they will learn and gain a testimony. The one daughter actually stayed with us most of the day and wanted to help us and feed us. haha

Wednesday I was with this one lady who had family members who were members but she is not. She told about when her daughter was married and she couldn't go inside. It was sad for me to hear that and I started crying. She was totally fine but I could just imagine how that would feel and how it will feel for me when that day will come. I will want more than anything for my family to be there.  

Thursday we started meeting with a lady that met with Missionaries before but now she feels like it is her time for the gospel. I think so too. She is excited to learn and really give her children the best that she can.   We had another miracle with the Vasquez family. They stopped drinking after our first visit or the wife did. She wants to be an example for her daughters. She said she is not a very good person but she is changing everyday in amazing ways.

Friday was also a great day and experience. We went to visit Carmen and asked about how she was doing praying about whether or not the Book of Mormon is true. Before she had trouble with that but this week she had been praying. She said that she hadn't received an

answer though. We prayed with her and she said the prayer. the spirit was so strong. We sat up and she started crying. She told us how she felt the spirit so strongly and she knew it was true. I love when people receive their answer  because I always think about when I received mine. There is no denying when it happens.

One cool thing is that I finished reading Doctrine and Covenants this week. I really love that book and I think it is one of my favorites. It is so powerful and talks a lot about missionary work. 

We are also gaining a lot of new friendships with people. We serve them and then they are asking us to teach them. We gladly accept. Well that is about it but have a great week and thank you for all of the support you give me. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I am so excited to write this week!  This whole week I was so excited to watch general conference. It is so crazy to think that for the next conference I will be home. That will be so great to be able to go to the conference center again. Last Monday was a day of some goodbyes. I really enjoyed being with Hna. Johnson and getting to know her. I felt like we both learned a lot from one another. 
Marjorie Baptism

Now I am with Hna. Osabas. She was in my district when I was in Ciudad Quetzal so I already kind of knew her. This is the first time I have been with someone that I know. She is from Nicaragua. It seems like many of my companions are from there. It has been a little weird only speaking in Spanish again but I really love it and it wasn't hard to adjust. 

This week was full of work and a lot of exciting news. The Bishop from Frijanes is going to LasVegas and Utah next week. That is exciting because I love those places, and people there. 

The highlight of the week was listening to General Conference. There were some investigators that came, not  many because it is far from our area. I did learn a lot however and I felt that the main themes of the conference were to Love, be obedient and strengthen our testimonies. I am excited to improve in all of these areas. There are a lot of things we can do to love one another more and truly treat one another as Children of God. We are not just mortals we are children of God. What a great thing to know. 
Lunch on Saturday - General Conference

After the first session on Saturday,  the stake President invited us over for lunch   . It was really good and then we were even able to watch the second session in their house. I like sitting on a couch to watch Conference. After the Conferencewas over his wife had homemade strawberry ice cream and chocolate chip cookies. I enjoyed all of it. I am excited for this week and I love you all. 

My Companion and I 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I am really excited for this week, because if you didn't know, this week is GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!!!!! What is that? It is a wonderful weekend we listen to the Prophet and Apostles that are living on the earth today. I am really looking forward to all that I will learn and the things that I can apply to my life. I invite all of you as well to watch conference and bring questions that you would like answered. 

So we are at that time of changes again. I will be staying in my area but my companion has changes so I will have a new companion. I might even train again but I am not sure because there are only four people coming in.  

Last Monday we went to the mall again and then my companion and I went to a members house to watch a church movie and do nails. I am not a huge fan of doing nails so I just relaxed. 

On Tuesday we had an interesting experience with one of our investigator families. We taught about the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  They said that in their church they are also studying that in their bible study. I thought wow this is what we are supposed to be studying then. That same day this guy told me I was a CIA agent. I told him who I was but he didn't believe me. That was kind of funny. 

This week we were all ready to have Byron's Baptism on Saturday. Then something happened and we couldn't.  The saddest part is that he got a new job in Coban and left today. The good thing is that he will continue learning and will baptized soon wherever he goes. He loves the gospel and is using the Atonement. 

Wednesday our Ward Mission leader opened up his Mission Call and is going to serve in Nicaragua. His parent's aren't members so they liked talking to me and hearing about my parents. That day as well we went to flag down a bus but it was a truck. We didn't know who was inside but we didn't want to get in there. Luckily a bus came around the corner and we jumped in.  

I love my Dog
 We had a really great lesson Wednesday morning. This lady was super agianst the church but we spoke with love and bore our testimonies. She isnt going to be baptized, yet ;) but she understatnds a little more and is going to read the book of Mormon.  

Marjorie - Super Cute
Thursday my companion was sick and when we came back to the apartment we didn't have any power. She wanted to make food and I asked her how. She explained how she would cook the food thinking I thought she couldn't cook. Then she remembered we only have electric things to cook on. That was funny.  

Saturday my companion was sick again but we had some divisions so I could still go out and get some things done. That was also the day of the sister conference. It was so amazing!  I love knowing that I am a daughter of God. We didn't see it all though because my companion felt really bad but on Saturday they will play it again. 

Byron - He is Leaving
Sunday was really a day of miracles. We had a goal to have 11 lessons with a member present. My companion felt bad still in the morning but then after church she felt better and we did divisions. We ended the day with 12 lessons, 11 with members and 1 without. It was amazing and we also contacted 59 people. We reached and exceeded the goal of 300 contacts and we had 30 lessons 25 of those with members and 13 in the house of a member. I love working hard. I love these people and I want to give all that I have so they can learn and come unto Christ. I will keep working hard. Have a great week and thanks for your support.